When making money from taking paid online survey, you will earn different amount of money by taking different type of surveys. The number can vary from $1 to $150 for each. So, getting an good understanding about different paid online survey types will be very helpful during taking surveys. And below are the most common 5 paid online survey types you might receive.
Normal paid online survey
This is the most common one, you will need to answer the question one by one online, and the payment is about $1~$20 for each. And it will take you about 10 minutes to finish a survey. So, you will earn $20 in average per hour by participating in this kind of surveys.
Focus group
You will be asked to participate a group discussion on a given topic. The paid of focus group is might higher, which is at least $30 per hour. If you join enough survey marketing companies, you will be able to receive 3-10 focus groups, that would be a good earning for you.
Phone survey
Survey company will call you during some specific period to do the survey. The earning from phone survey will be much larger than all the others, it can be more than $60/hour, some even up to $150 per hour.
Try new product and provide the feedback
You might get the cash from it and might not, but definitely, you will keep the product as free. It would be good idea to try something you have planned to buy.
Preview the movie online
You might have been invited to take this kind of survey many time in the street. But now, you can choose to preview the movie online. And as usually, you will earn $3-$5 for each, and it takes you about 10 minutes. You will be able to enjoy it even they might not bring you a lot of money.
Hi friends,
ReplyDeletePaid surveys have become very popular in recent years. It is very important that you make a good research on the paid survey you are going to take. There are many websites that provide reviews on different websites. You can go to these sites to study different paid survey companies and decide which companies best fit your personality while getting a heads-up on any scam sites. There are many paid survey companies that pay you quite well if you give them good data. Thanks...
Bulletin-board Focus Groups