Saturday, September 25, 2010

MAke A Web Or Blog And Make Money Online

Design a website - 
 you must be joking, is this you ?. This was me a few weeks ago. It used to be considered difficult to design web pages, people had to know HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language) and if you didn't have a degree in web design then it was either spend hours poring over books or plain give up..

This has all changed, Web 2 has arrived and everything has got faster, slicker and much easier, now - website design has got cheaper and cheaper and one reason for this is because people are designing and building their own sites

Now whether you want to build your own fan website or to build a site to make money, never has their been a better time to get cracking in this fun and possibly lucrative pass-time.

We all want to show off to the world - right ? maybe our online skills, our cool photo's, our video's, our articles and stuff, where better to display what you do or what you know, than on your own website.

Now I have to be honest, when it comes to design, I cringe at the word, as my design skills are practically zero but even I can make great looking web pages designed to THRILL!! simply by following a few steps.

If you have no idea what ftp is or http or html, don't worry you soon will.

Now I use a little free html editor called "Komposer" this handy tool is what I design my web pages in - you can write text, import photo's and even upload everything (barring e-books) to the web all in a few strokes, so your first task is to download Komposer.

Next you will need a domain name - this is the web address your website sits on - you can get one fairly cheaply from Go Daddy for a yearly fee of about $9, make the domain name relevant to what your website is about, only get a .com as it's still the most recognised domain ending in the entire universe.

You will also need a hosting account - Hostgator is good as you can host unlimited web pages for about $10 a month. A hosting account is necessary as you will be renting space (like real estate) to park your website on.

Now, do you want to make money with this site ? if you want to make money, you are going to need to create your own list and you will need to send emails to your list of prospects using an autoresponder, an autoresponder is a piece of software that lets you submit emails to your potential customers in sequence, all on auto pilot - I can recommend Aweber, this is the same one I use myself.

Now you will need to learn to put this all together to make it work, and boy will it work, that is more than I can do in a short article like this - I have a FREE 125 page eBook for you about creating your own website, GET YOURS NOW!!

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