Sunday, August 29, 2010


Finding Highly Searched, Low Competition Keywords.
The first thing we have to do is to find ‘winner’ keywords. Why winner? Simply because these
keywords are the most searched for terms with little or no competition. The best place to find these
low competition, highly searched random keywords is on Google Hot Trends:

We then have to check each of these keywords for competition and search volume. The demo graph
on the right of the Hot Trends page gives us the search volume, as well as the location and time of
each of the search term.

We can also check the competition for each keyword by checking on the actual Google search results,

As we can see, the search for the Hot Trend keyword, ‘demi moore bush pic’ brings about 802,000
competing search results, which is not what we are looking for. Competing results of below 50,000
are the best and easiest to rank for. Not to worry, there are plenty of them on Hot Trends every day!!

Ranking for these Hot Trend keywords – QUICKLY!
Now that we have found the ideal Hot Trend keywords of 50,000 competing search results and less, it
is time to quickly rank for these ‘winner’ keywords. We have to be fast in order to receive the bulk of
the traffic, while the keyword is still ‘hot’. After much painful testing and teasing, I have found the
best way to rank the fastest and highest for these keywords: Yahoo! Answers. Yes, posting on Yahoo!
Answers for the targeted keywords is the fastest and best way to rank highly!
Now, here is the tricky part. There are actually 2 different variations for getting ranked using Yahoo!
Answers. One is the blackhat way, whereby you ask and answer questions by yourself, one which I
highly do NOT recommend, and the second is the more legitimate way, one which I use with pretty
much success, and without getting banned from Yahoo! Answers network as well! Basically, I get a
random friend online to help me ask a question related to a Hot Trend keyword on Yahoo! Answers,
and then I will answer the question with a link back to my CPA affiliate offer. Usually, I do direct
linking, meaning I redirect back to the CPA merchant using my own domain name. This helps reduce
the risk of getting banned by the Yahoo! networks, as well as helps me increase the click-through
rate back to my site. The following link is actually a ‘live’ example of the method which I used to rank
for a Hot Trend keyword, ‘Trevor ariza girlfriend’, a couple of weeks back on Yahoo! Answers:;_ylt=AjzlLt.WhLU0cQVpNtW0u7r54gt.
;_ylv=3?qid =20090427221109AAP9rWE
Kindly observe the technique of the method, especially of the answerer, ‘Teanna’. Also, do take note
of the number of times the desired keyword appears within the question as well as the answer. These
factors are crucial in ranking quickly in Google for our desired keywords. Also, as proof, here is the
link to the Google search results for the Hot Trend keyword, ‘Trevor ariza girlfriend’.
B F_en&aq=f&oq=&aqi=g1

As you can see, the question appears on the first page of the results, therefore bringing me tons of
US traffic to my redirected affiliate offer. To make things easier to comprehend, I have put together
some screenshots for you to easily capture this method:

This is a simple, 2-page submit offer that convert like crazy, even with untargeted traffic! It pays
$2.75 per lead. Friends, it is impossible not to make $$ with cool offers like these!
There are actually many different ways to rank highly and quickly for Hot Trend keywords, such as
submitting to Digg, Squidoo, Youtube or even Twitter. But as mentioned previously, none of these
methods can get you to rank as quickly as Yahoo! Answers can, and this method is built around
speed, since we want to rank for these keywords while they are still hot. Remember, just try this
method for as many Hot Trend keywords as you possibly can, at least 3-4 days a week, and I
guarantee you will see results fast! Also do take note that Google updates its Hot Trends every hour,
so there will be enough hot keywords for everyone to exploit at any time of the day!

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