Friday, August 27, 2010

Make Money Online By Network Marketing

Network marketing or MLM 
Network marketing or MLM is one of the most powerful passive income systems on the internet. The income potential of network marketing can be explosive.
In his book Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki writes:
“When I speak to adults who want to earn more money, I always recommend the same thing. I suggest taking a long view of their life. Instead of simply working for the money and security, which I admit are important, I suggest they take a second job that will teach them a second skill.
Often I recommend joining a network marketing company, also called multilevel marketing, if they want to learn sales skills. Some of these companies have excellent training programs that help people get over their fear of failure and rejection, which are the main reasons people are unsuccessful.”

Many people however come online with a bad experience with offline network marketing and thus tend to shy away from online network marketing.
Online network marketing is however different from the traditional offline network marketing that required you to make cold calls, run newspaper classified ads, and radio ads among other marketing strategies in order to generate leads. What’s more, you no longer have to hold your family-get-together at ransom anymore with all the lead generation methods available today.
In this article, we’ll look at several tips to succeed with network marketing or MLM.
Join network marketing companies with good uplines and training systems:
The strength of your upline has a significant influence on your success with network marketing because good upline offers you excellent support.

A good upline should also be abe to offer support to your downline so that you can concentrate on generating leads. You see, if you don’t have a capable upline to tap into, you’d have to learn how to generate traffic and leads all on your own, then train your downline so that they are equally competent in traffic generation. Otherwise, your downlines will just quit after a few months and sad to say, you are back to square one.

What that means is that if your upline is not reliable, you’ll need to develop a system to train your downline, their downline and so on so that your network keeps growing exponentially as well as your income.
You can easily do that if you are an experienced internet marketer but if you are not, then you should consider joining a network marketing company with a reliable training system and/or under a capable downline.
Ideally the network marketing company that you join should have a good training system and a proven marketing system that convert prospects into downlines at a decent scale. This allows you to focus more on generating leads and sending them through the training system.

Invest in advertising or be patient:
To get on track to success with network marketing fast, you must be willing to advertise at the beginning.
This is not to mean that you shouldn’t use free traffic generation methods such as article marketing, forum marketing, social networking etc. on the contrary, you should have as many free traffic and lead generation strategies in your mix alongside the paid ones. Why do I say that?
You see, while these free lead generation methods are free, they are quite slow and you wouldn’t see immediate results. For that reason, you ideally want to advertise at the beginning while building your free traffic.

Be prepared to do some real work.
Contrary to what many people want to make you believe, network marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Of course there are lots of people that explode their income, sometimes to millions of dollars within a few weeks or months but you must be prepared to do the work it takes to succeed.
If you only join a network marketing program and stop there, then you can be sure that you will go nowhere, but if you diligently and passionately grow your network, then you’ll truly enjoy the real power of network marketing.

Advantages of MLM or network marketing
Your income grows exponentially and is potentially explosive.
You don’t need to offer any customer support especially if you have a good training system.
When your downline grows enough, you might not have to do anything anymore. That’s, you keep earning even when you don’t work.

Disadvantages of network marketing
You must be prepared to spend on advertisement at the beginning as your free traffic and lead generation system grows.
Income is low at the beginning and can be discouraging. This is where most people quit, but those that stay on succeed.

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