Friday, August 27, 2010

A Golden Opportunity To Make Money Online for Anyone.

An Opportunity for Anyone...

One night, back in January of last year, I went out to dinner with my good friend Janet. We were just about ready to head home and so the waiter handed us our tab. Janet took a look at it and I noticed her eyes open wide.
Without inquiring as to what was wrong, I simply told her I've got it covered. She seemed to let out a sigh of relief and soon followed with the question, "Seriously Ross, what do you do for a living? It seems like you're always able to afford anything you want!"
Now, Janet didn't have the best of jobs, and she always seemed to be living from paycheck to paycheck (same as you?), so I thought to myself, it's about time I helped her out.

After giving her the gist of how I make good money working from my own bedroom, we returned to her house and she hurriedly got connected to the internet. I sat down with her and walked her through, step by step, the exact process I use to enter my ads. I showed her how to register her accounts and even what she had to enter into the forms.

The whole process took about 20 minutes. 

"That's it?" she asked surprised. "Yep, now just be sure to check back tomorrow morning and you should already see some extra cash." I responded confidently. She was obviously bursting with excitement and thanked me profoundly for my help.
The next morning I woke up to the ringing of my phone. It was Janet on the other end, her voice rushed with elation. "Ross, I did it!" she exclaimed. Still only half awake, I asked her, "Did what?"
"My account, it has money in it, $96.40 to be exact." This obviously caught my attention. "Really, you made that while you were sleeping?" I anxiously responded. "Yes! That's just from what we set up last night!"

Janet was delighted. Our conversation ended shortly after that, as she was eager to get back to submitting more ads. I myself, was quite content with her progress and with the fact that I had just given her an opportunity to live a better life.

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