Thursday, September 30, 2010

How To Make Money Online By Buying, Creating And Then Selling Websites For Profits?

What do they really mean when someone talk about website flipping to you?
Actually, website flipping is when you purchase a website with an intention of selling it for a profit after adding values to it.  Adding values to it can be anything such as professional looking design and adding good contents that will generate additional interest and traffic before you put it up for sales for a nice profit. The amount of profit you can make on the flip is based on many factors. Looking over these factors and paying close attention to each step can lead to every move you make positively affecting the profit you can make.

Some of those factors you may want to take of include the traffic potential and current traffic load of the site. Interested buyers will want to know how many visitors they can expect a day, and how the site from its original form, to its current incarnation will affect the traffic. If the change is positive, the profit will be positive. Prospective buyers like to know that when they buy a site, it will have a following either in place or closely after a site opens. Sometimes the current following may be small but with the changes you make, and some well placed advertising and links and you will find the traffic increased!
When pricing a site you want to sell, you have to be careful not to overprice or under price the site. Pricing strategies are a crucial part of the flip. You have to take the price you purchased the site for, the amount of work and resources you put into building the site, and see how much of an increase it merits for when you post the resale.
One real big selling point that attracts buyers like bees to honey is customization. If a site you build, and features you add are customizable and allow for the buyer to change and modify without being a rocket scientist, you will find the value of the potential sale will indeed increase.
You need to refine every aspect of the process in ways that you are comfortable. When seeking advice and reading information, realize that the only person that can truly decide what is best for you, is you. Never let anyone try to tell you how to do your job, or how to run your business. Listening to advice and taking constructive criticism is one thing, being bullied and badgered into something you do not want to do is a whole other ball game!

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