Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Top 10 Ways To Make Money Online

1. Affiliate Marketing: Sell Other People’s Stuff Online

Because affiliate marketing does not require that you have your own products to sell, I consider it the fastest and simplest way to start an Internet business – especially for those new to online business and Internet marketing.
In a nutshell, affiliate marketing works like this:
  1. You join a merchants’s affiliate program; e.g. Amazon, Friendfinder, Zappos.
  2. You place your affiliate link for that program somewhere on your website.
  3. When a visitor to your clicks through that link and buys a product (or fills in a form, or gives the merchant an email address, etc.), you are credited with the sale (click, lead, referal) and make a commission.
  4. The company then sends you a check.
Pretty simple, huh? Learn more about Affiliate Marketing as a way to make money online.
Better yet, get read the Super Affiliate Handbook or join Affiliate Blogger PRO – my video tutorial training program for new affiliate marketers.

2. Become a Reseller

Buying resale rights and reselling products is a little more expensive to set up than affiliate program sales, but you also make more money as a reseller.
For example, I used to sell software called Headline Creator that helps people automatically create killer headlines. I could have sold Headline Creator Pro as an affiliate and earned a 50% commission on each $29 sale ($14.50 per sale). However, it made more sense to buy the resale rights for $79.00, which allowed me to keep 100% of the sale price, or the full $29.00 for each sale made. After selling only 4 copies, I had covered my cost for the resale licence and was earning 100% profits on each copy sold.

Resale rights packages that I recommend include Jeremy Burns’ “Source Code Goldmine” and Tom Hua’s “eBookWholesaler“. There are also many available on Clickbank.
To learn more about this topic, please read “Resale Rights: How to Make Money Online Reselling Other People’s Products“.

3. Sell Public Domain Works

Somewhat similar to reselling ebooks, some online marketers have made a fortune finding, repackaging and selling public domain works. Public domain is any work that is not copyright protected and includes materials created prior to 1922, works created for public use, government documents unless otherwise specified, and works whose copyright has expired.

The real trick is in being able to find works in the public domain. Yanik Silver is a specialist in this area and has a 3-volume set of CD audios. To learn more about repackaging and selling works in the public domain, please read Public Domain: Old but NOT Decrepit.

4. Sell at Online Auctions

If you’re like most people, you probably have things in your basement, closets or garage that you’d like to get rid of but are too valuable to throw away. Well, have you ever heard the saying, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure?” Not only do other people wantyour old stuff, they’re willing to pay for it – and you can reach a much wider market by selling that stuff through an online auction site like eBay.
The online auction business is also a relatively inexpensive and easy business to start on the Internet because you don’t need a website and it’s free to sign up for an eBay account. It takes only a few minutes to list your items, and each listing costs only pennies.

5. Create and Sell Your Own Software or Infoproduct

The most lucrative way to do business on the Internet is to sell your own product. Software and information products, in particular, are the best-selling products on the ‘Net and enjoy the best profit margins. They cost virtually nothing to develop and entail no storage or shipping costs.
And before you think “I’m not a writer, that’s not for me“, everyone has knowledge that someone else wants and there are a number of ways to produce an infoproduct withouthaving to write a word.
Learn more about developing your own product.

6. Sell Your Services

Many programmers, writers, graphic artists and data entry workers sell their services online through sites such as Elance.
One friend of mine makes her living designing business cards and other printed materials for businesses. She sells her design service online. My friend Joel is a skilled web designer. He has turned his skill into a full-time business which he advertises on his website and offline. He has also been my trusted virtual assistant for years.

7. Dropshipping

Drop shipping is a product delivery method in which the seller accepts payment for an order, but the customer receives the product(s) directly from the manufacturer.
For example, I have a dropshipping arrangement with a watch manufacturer in New York City and sell his watches at WindingWay.com. I buy the watches at wholesale prices in blocks of 10, advertise the watches on my site and use PayPal to accept payment for each sale. When the order comes in I (or more likely, Joel, my assistant) forwards the order to the manufacturer, and they ship it to the customer. If I was more energetic, I would also sell those watches on eBay. 
Learn more about dropshipping as a way to make money online.

8. Buy and Sell Domain Names

The fellow from whom I bought my current home was a ‘domainer’. He made a fortunebuying and selling domain names — and he’s now living in an even bigger house. :-)
Do you have a great idea for a domain name that someone may want later? Go toGoDaddy, buy it, then offer it up for sale at some ridiculous price. You never know who will bite. I’ve been watching to see who buys ‘bluetoilet.com’ for $2,050.00. No, not my domain name… I’d go for the pink.

9. Buy and Sell Websites

Have you noticed how many home renovation and house flipping shows there are on TV nowadays? Well, webmasters are doing the same thing with websites. They go to a website broker such as the Sitepoint Marketplace and find a site that is getting traffic but may be so ugly that it turns those visitors away. Or, it is making a small amount of money, but with a design overhaul, it could make a lot more money.
A webmaster with design experience will go in there, give it a facelift and put it back on the market. Beware though, some of the prices are absolutely ridiculous. I just saw a really ugly affiliate dating site that only affiliated with Friendfinder, 79 inbound links, an Alexa rating of 453,348,172 advertised for $100,000 US. Who did they think they were they kidding?

10. Cash Park Your Domains

Have you bought a bunch of domain names from GoDaddy that you haven’t had a chance to work on yet? You can elect “Cash Parking” for those domains and earn 60% of the advertising revenue generated. The basic plan is $3.99 per month, or less if you set it up for 12 or 24 months. The premium plan is $9.99 per month which entitles you to earn80% of the advertising revenue and includes free Domain Name Aftermarket membership… which is great if you want to sell those domains.

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