Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Promote Your Home Affiliate Business About 30 Minutes A Week

It’s all the rage. It’s what everyone is talking about. It is unquestionably the most effective form of marketing available to home based business owners. It costs almost nothing, it takes about 30 minutes a week, and it makes your business stand out above the competition.

What is this thing that everyone is talking about? The buzz is about “article marketing” – the practice of providing royalty free content to websites, e-zines and newsletters.It works like this: You write a simple article that is interesting to a particular group of people. It doesn’t have to be The Great American Novel, just about 500 words on the topic of your choice. Then you submit your article all over the web to ezine publishers, newsletter editors and content-laden websites. When they publish your article (and they almost always do) your target market reads your words, sees you as an expert (after all, you’re a published author!) and they click on a link to your website that you conveniently provided at the end of the article. Viola! Instant, qualified traffic.And it’s not fleeting traffic. Your article remains out there for people to find for weeks, months, even years. 

As new people happen across your article, they click the link and visit your site. You have a perpetual traffic machine, driving tons of pre-qualified, open-to-an-offer, interested traffic to your site. This is better than advertising, and far less expensive.The problem is the effort of submitting your articles to enough sites that you really make a splash. 

Most authors will submit their articles to 20-30 places before getting totally burned out on the submission process. It’s tedious, dull, drudge work.

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