Sunday, September 26, 2010

Make Money Online For Free

Even if your just new to Internet marketing you have probably heard the moneys in the list!
And I can honestly tell you this statement is 100% true!

Building a list is an important tool in Internet marketing as in studies its shown that most people directed to a sales page won't buy the product straight away.

But after making contact with them over time (through emails) they are more likely to buy the product after a relationship has been established.

So how do you build a list?

Well the first thing to do is set up a squeeze page for yours traffic to sign up and get a newsletter off you every few days.

In the newsletter don't bombard them with affiliate products just mail them more helpful tips to do with the subject relating to the product. 

Then after a while send them an email with a link to the affiliate product you showed them at the start. Most at this stage will buy the product.

First direct traffic straight to the sales page until you see some conversions this is an indication that its worth building a list of subscribers as the niche is lucrative.

The best thing about building a list is you can keep sending them emails and every so often promote a product and make more income :-).

The most important thing to remember is that you need to give your subscribers quality information otherwise they will stop reading your emails after awhile.

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