Sunday, September 26, 2010

Top 4 Ways To Earn Money Online

Very few of us are in the enviable position where we went straight from full time education into being self employed. Most of us have been employed and worked for someone else at some stage in our lives. The main problem with working for someone else is that you are usually restricted on how much you can earn. The few options open for extra income are overtime, work harder or sell more. None of which are good for your health or your social life.
More and more people are looking to the internet for a part time income or a quick way to make extra money. With the growth rate of people using the internet this is becoming more of a viable option, however, it isn't as easy as some would have you believe. The earnings suggested by some marketers are not reasonable for most people who are just starting out, especially if you are working part time.
Here are some quick and easy ways to make money online. Be aware that I'm not quoting big money but enough to improve your quality of life a little. Also you will have to put in a little time and effort.
Old Reports and eBook Bundles
Most of us have reports, software, ebooks and other freebies gathering dust on our hard drives. Some we have read or used, others we just never seem to get the time. Most of this information is still valid and may be useful for someone else. Bundle it up into categories and sell it out at a discount. Don't forget you can duplicate bundles. Use social media to market quickly and effectively.
Article Marketing
Some would have you believe that article marketing is dead or is more of a long term business builder. You are reading this so it proves it still works. Is it quick? If you submit a good original article to any directory and it gets picked up by ezines then a lot of people are going to see it. If you do that every day for a week then you should start to see traffic to whatever you are promoting very quickly. Of course the long term benefits are still there as well.

Email with safe swaps
If you have done okay with your report and software bundles and your articles then you should have a list of subscribers now. It doesn't matter how big your list is you will still be able to find someone to safe swap your list with. Always make sure you have something original and of perceived value to offer. Work this one right and you will build your list as well as make sales.
Sell on auction sites
Auction sites are still there and a lot of money is still being made. There are two ways to look at these. You could sell your unwanted items individually and maybe look for unusual items from local auctions. Or you could buy items wholesale to sell at a profit. Make sure you have a good look round first and are totally aware of all the rules and terms of sale.
For another unique and little talked of idea to make money online head over to The Online Profit Zone where you can learn more about another simple but effective method which is given to you totally free.
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