Saturday, September 25, 2010

How To Increase Your Ads Income

Certain words, when combined together, literally draw the readers
eyes to your ad…the words below are those I have found to work
every time.
You – Ultimate – Free – Master – Power – Discovery – Easy -
Guaranteed – Love – Money – New – Scientific – Proven – Results -
Incredible – Discover – Breakthrough – Secret – Private – Cash -
Shocked – Shocking – Revealed – Uncovered – Hidden – Profit’s -
Inside – Sex…Sex?
Yes Sex…used only in certain situations where it can apply though.
For example, when I wrote the headline "Sex Sites Are Not The Only
Ones That Can Pull In $5000 A Week Using The Power of Instant
Access!" immediately added about $50,000 to my income last
year. Just that one headline!
I thought it was a unique angle because all you heard on the news
for months was how people where making big money with porno sites.
You never heard about those of us who where making great money
without selling sex.
Some example headlines using those words above:
"Revealed! – Scientifically Proven Strategies Guaranteed To Double
Your Profit’s Every Month or You Keep The System For Free!
"Master The Art of Building Web Pages In 30 Minutes With This
Proven, Easy to Use Software!"
"Breakthrough Money-Making Secrets That Sex Sites Do Not Want You To
Find Out About – Uncovered And Revealed Inside!"
Power words, like those above, are already implanted deeply in the
minds of all your readers simply because of what the words mean.
For example, when I see the word " Discovery ", it evokes a response
from within me and draws my attention to the rest of the sentence
because Discovery ‘means’ something to me and most other people.
The Discovery might give me a great advantage before you and others
find out if I read about it first. People love to discover things
and the word attracts them instantly when they see it.
Just like the words ‘Scientific Breakthrough’ will immediately draw
the attention of most everyone. I can not pass up a headline that
has those two words in it. If I see those two words I will always
read the rest of your headline. And if the rest of your headline is
something I am interested in, then you are well on your way to a new
If the Scientific Breakthrough had to do with a new kind of Hair

Growth Formula then I would move on with no interest.
BUT…you at least got me to read the ‘full’ headline…and you got
a lot of other people to read it too!
If the Scientific Breakthrough had to do with making money you would
have had me hooked into reading more and possibly all of your
You got the attention of the maximum number of people with the first
two words, then, with the rest of the headline, you weeded out those
with no interest and hooked your target prospects.
We love things to be revealed , we love secrets, hidden things,
proven things and shocking things…we always have and always will.

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